XBMC install on Ubuntu Karmic Koala (Minimal)

After some of the hassle with installing jaunty and xbmc on my acer revo the new version now runs on the new version of ubuntu (Karmic Koala) so I thought I would put down my install procedure as I went so that it may be of use to others.

First, download the minimal install of Ubuntu Karmic Koala (12.1mb x86 12.2mb x64)

Download either the x86 or x64 version dependent on your hardware.

Once the disk image has downloaded either burn it to CD or use UNetbootin to boot from a USB memory stick.

Boot from the meory stick on the computer you are going to use for XBMC

My self I burnt a disc and booted from an external DVD drive

*** Please note this will over write everything on your computer ***

Once you have booted from the CD you should have a screen with a prompt that looks somthing like boot:

if you type in install and press enter it will start the installation of ubuntu you will need to answer a series of questio

The installer will ask you what packages to install, scroll down to OpenSSH Server and press SPACE, then press ENTER to continue.

After the installation has completed, your computer will reboot.

When you get to the login screen, login with the username and password you entered.
