Oil Company to Use Tallest, Greenest Building in Europe As Its HQ

It looks like a modern version of a van Gogh painting rather than the future headquarters of an oil company, but with its concert hall, museum, hotel and business center, Gazprom Tower will be the tallest, greenest building in Europe.

Yes, there’s plenty of irony in having Gazprom’s oil unit, OAO Gazprom Neft, use one of the most environmentally sustainable buildings as its headquarters, but oil company or Greenpeace, who wouldn’t want a corner office in that?

Gazprom Towers will stand 77 twisted stories and be “green as it is tall” according to Inhabitat:

Eco-conscious features are highlighted by a double glass skin, where atriums have been positioned between inner and outer walls to provide natural ventilation, interior lighting and even thermal insulation for the merciless sub-zero Russian winters. Specialized water, heating and ventilation system have also been incorporated to reduce the energy needs of the building, and numerous social spaces and green zones have been set aside for the comfort and leisure of its occupants.

There are some who are protesting against this building project being greenlit, claiming that it is a “monstrous, barbaric decision” to be resented by the people of St. Petersburg, Russia.

Read the original here:Oil Company to Use Tallest, Greenest Building in Europe As Its HQ [Architecture]
