There are two methods by which you can setup the SysLog daemon, you can use telnet or the console to access the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Note – If you are running a software firewall on the PC, that you wish to run the SNMP Utility and Syslog Server on, you will need to open port 161 for SNMP, and port 514 for Syslog messages.
“Red text” – Text shown this way is the commands to be typed without the quotes in all cases.
“Blue text” – Text shown this way is the display of data shown in the telnet window or console application.
Telnet Setup.
For Windows XP open a “Command Prompt” (look in “Accessories” in “All Programs” under the “Start” button). For older versions of Windows, open an “MS-DOS Prompt”. Enter: “telnet” without the quotes and press “Enter”.
If you have changed the IP address of your 741/743 please replace the above IP address with the one you have set.
Once at the “login:” prompt, enter the username “admin”, then at the “password:” prompt, enter “admin”. If you have changed the password on the user account, please use the password that you setup. Please continue to Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands.
Console Setup.
Plug the supplied console cable into your 741/743 and a COM port on your PC.
Now open your preferred Console application, most Windows users will use HyperTerminal as it is included with Windows. HyperTerminal users please setup as below:
1. Start HyperTerminal.
2. At the “New Connection” window, enter “Billion” as the name, and click “OK”.
3. Select “COM1” in the “Connect Using” drop down box, and click “OK”.
4. In the “COM1” properties window, set as follows:
1. Bits Per Second: 9600
2. Data Bits: 8
3. Parity: None
4. Stop Bits: 1
5. Flow Control: None
Then click “OK”.
5. Press “Enter” to show the “admin” prompt.
6. Please continue to Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands.
Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands.
Now we need to set the Syslog Host IP address in the CLI so your 741/743 knows to which IP address to send the SysLog messages. To set the SysLog host enter the following CLI Commands at the “admin>” prompt:
1. “system syslog set daemon”. (where is the IP address of the computer running the SNMP Utility Syslog Server).
2. Now enter “system syslog show” to verify the above setting has been applied. You should see the information as below:
admin> system syslog show
syslog daemon:
syslog nickname: home.gateway
Now that the SysLog daemon is setup, we now need to configure what processes will output information to the SysLog.
To see a list of the available processes enter:
“system log list”
This will show the available processes and their destination.
admin> system log list
ProcessName Level LogTo
ppp none none
pptp none none
ddns none none
maildemon none none
firewall none none
im none none
webserver none none
snmpr none none
With the default setup, none of the processes are being logged to anywhere.
To set logging on a process and direct it to the SysLog daemon, using “ppp” as an example, enter the following:
“system log set ppp all”
This sets the amount of logging for the selected process, where “ppp” is the process name, and “all” is the value. Valid values are “all“, “error“, “info“, “nothing“, and “warning“.
Now enter as below:
“system log enable ppp to syslog”
The above line activates logging for “ppp” and directs any “ppp” messages to “syslog“.
Now enter “system log list” to see changes you have made.
admin> system log list
ProcessName Level LogTo
ppp entryExit syslog
pptp none none
ddns none none
maildemon none none
firewall none none
im none none
webserver none none
snmpr none none
With the above settings, all “ppp” messages will be sent to the syslog daemon, which then sends them to the SysLog Host which is the IP address you setup at the beginning. If the IP address is correct, the Syslog Server contained within the Billion BIPAC 741/743 Utility will capture the syslog messages and display them in the SysLog window.
If you wanted to enable logging for the firewall for instance, you would enter as below:
“system log set firewall all”
“system log enable firewall to syslog”
All you have to do is change the process name to enable the logging you require.
Remember, once you have setup what logging options you require, be sure to save the changes with:
“system config save”
Then once you have saved your settings and you are finished in the CLI, enter “user logout” to terminate the telnet or console session.